Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Our Beloved President Abdul Kalam Term period should Be Extended

A campaign to increase the tenure of Hon.Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam as the President Of India.

This petition is created with a sole aim of uniting all the FANS Of Hon.Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam worldwide .

We all know that Hon.Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam is completing his Sucessfull tenure in the month of July 2007 .

Come let us join our hands together for a Joint effort to have him serve for more 5 years as our President.

WE need the dynamic leadership of Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam with his Vision .

I am a young citizen of India, armed with technology, knowledge and love for my nation, I realize, small aim is a crime.
I will work and sweat for a great vision, the vision of transforming India into a developed nation powered by economic strength with value system.

Ignites youth towards developed nation by 2020 LEAD INDIA 2020 -
Common Everybody ...Let us Start 2nd NATIONAL MOVEMENT FOR DEVELOPED INDIA 2020.

I am one of the citizens of a billion, only the vision will ignite the billion souls.
It has entered into me, the ignited soul compared to any resource, is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth....
Hon.Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam...!


Goto this link and sign it please, if you feel proud of our president. Please pass it on..

As Always,
A Proud Indian...


A Software Engineer daily Work ( Hey it's not me heh!!)

8:30AM: wake up
8:45AM: Tough decision; To bath or not.
8:50AM: Have To.
9:15AM: Punch in.
9:20AM: Check Mail.
9:25AM: Check Again just in case...
9:30AM: Since It is already 9:30 wait for tea (9:45AM
9:45AM: TEA party.
10:00AM: Check Mail.
10:05AM: Check again. can't Believe that no mail has come. Is every body dead or what?
10:20AM: Sudden feeling of loneliness and desperation turn around to look for some body (Any body) to talk to.

10:30AM: Found a guy testing something. Feel real pity for his pathetic, boring and useless existence.
10:40AM: Sudden urge to get some work done and fast. Start looking for the file. (Can't remember it's name)
11:00AM: Boss summons in his office. Bad sign.
11:30AM: How the hell! Am I suppose to remember everything? Why should I be responsible for everything that goes bad?
11:45AM: Try to locate a scapegoat. No body around.
12:00AM: Mood is really bad decide to postpone work till after lunch.
12:30AM: lunch
1:00PM: Lunch over.
1:10PM: Go for a smoke. Can't even smoke in this god forsaken place.
1:35PM: Back from a smoke. It was good. I even did not paid for the cig. the other chap is so foolish.
1:50PM: Mood is good. Decide to go to cool web sites. Real sleazy thoughts.
2:30PM: Feeling real sleepy after such a mammoth mental effort.
2:45PM: Tea Time.
3:00PM: Chat and discuss with colleague on the bad state of the company. Blame everybody for incompetence and laziness.
4:00PM: A guy from testing comes for help.(Jerk)
4:11PM: Try to look busy.
4:12PM: He is asking for a techn! ical help.(Real jerk).
4:15PM: After really making him beg for help decide to take a look.
4:50PM: No solution found. really angry on the guy for getting myself involved.
4:55PM: Suddenly boss is spotted in the neighbouring area. Try make as much loud noise as possible with some obscure technical jargon thrown in.
5:00PM: Boss has gone back to his den. Coast is clear.
5:05PM: Blame the problem on RnD.
5:10PM: Check mail. "Yes" a mail has finally arrived.
5:13PM: It's a silly joke and old too. But it felt good.
5:14PM: a quick dash for gate.
5:15PM: Third in punching out.
5:25PM: Reached Room.
5:26PM: TV on. No worth while program.
8:30PM: Still no worth while program. Every body is getting lazy and irresponsible what will happen to this world GOD help us. Curse
government and RnD.
8:45PM: Food arrives. Pret! ty bad and stinking.
8:48PM: Dinner finished.
8:50PM: Bay watch. At last some quality.
11:30PM: Mtv Grind. Hmm things are looking up.
12:45AM: Today there were really good programs.
1:46AM: Decide to sleep. Tough day ahead.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006







I was taken aback when i got a message that a 1 year child was died due to lack of Blood in a private hospital in banglore.Where my friend was working he called most of friends and even me also we people took it very easy and we did not care that much about. So the result of that the small and beatiful child died.Now I also feel guilty for that so friends Please dont take it in easy way that You people got any messages that in need of Blood take that message in a serious way and try to help that people as soon as possible.

Every 2-seconds, someone in the country is in need of blood. Every year our nation requires about 4 Crore units of blood, out of which only a meager 5 Lakh units of blood are available.

It's not that, people don't want to donate blood. Many, many times it's just that they are not aware of a need. As a result, needy people end up going through a lot of pain

U cannot just save a life by forwarding e-mails. If u really want to save someone's life, register at and have the satisfaction that one day someone will thank u for what u did today.

Donate blood,,,, Save lives.... register

Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts



Location: Banglore, Karnataka, India

I am not that much famous fellow to describe about myself,I think i can describe like this a person who is lost in his dreams to achieve something which has a long and very difficult path to claim it.I dont know I will achieve or not but still my soul will go after it until i live.